Friday, May 15, 2009

trust: hard to earn, easy to lose

Wow, lots of work to do over the weekend.
Still there're a lot of things to be thankful for.
I'm glad God's helping me to put what's passed where it belongs: wayyy behind me.
It's forever a trust fall: between God and I.
I trust God will handle it (:

And I thank you for believing in me
I'm really glad I met you both.

I don't want our friendship to be affected in any way.
That's the only reason I've decided to be honest with you
I only hope you can be just as honest with me.
Friends have each others' backs.
We look lout for each other and the last thing we want is for the other person to get hurt.

You're right: if you love, you're bound to get hurt
And when you love someone, you want the other person to be happy no matter what.
This applies to all kinds of love: love between family members, friends, etc.
I know what will make you happy
If only I could guarantee it.
But I can't.
You have to cast your burdens on God.
Only He can carry you through
I can only follow his direction

School work plus class politics plus cca politics plus emotional stress
it's been tough on you and it's testing your faith
but you'll pull through
you just gotta trust God
that can be difficult
but we'll make it through together
i promised to be with you through and i will do my best to be there both spiritually and physically
but only God can be with you every step of the way
i know you find it so hard cos you've drifted
but it'll all be okay
trust God!

I believe You're my Healer

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