Sunday, May 24, 2009

it's not my battle to fight

I wish you'd just insult me in some language that I can understand.
I don't think I'm the one who's changed anymore.
It's you.
I've known you practically my entire life, or at least I thought I did.
Now I know you can never totally know a person.
There are times in the past where I really wish I didn't know you.
Now it's just worse.
All of a sudden, it's like I don't know you and you don't know me.
I don't blame anything or anyone else.
Now I'm no longer angry, I'm trying to look beyond that but I know you're not ready to look forward.
So I'm just going to wait.
Patience is a virtue I have yet to achieve but I know that I can.
I don't know what the problem is anymore.
Maybe you think the recent changes in my individual life has pushed us further from each other.
But that's not it.
God said to honour you, why would He put me in a new place that would just push me further away from you and therefore from Him?
And I've been trying to fix it.
But it's never gonna work if you don't do your part.
Or maybe the problem is that we're too much alike.
We're both too quick to judge.
Too quick to anger.
I know that I'm trying but I don't think you are.
So this is how it's going to be?
I don't want to give up but you just might make me.
The only reason I chose not to just leave is because God spoke to me.
The right timing too, because I was about give it all up, thinking that it wasn't worth it.
All I can do now is pray I don't give in to negativity.
This is a spiritual battle.
It's not my battle to fight
I want to leave it in His hands.
Cos I know it's the best way.

God, renew my spirit that I may start each new day better than the last.
Give me the strength and perseverance to trust in You.
Give me the patience to wait for Your timing.
Help me to control my emotions and not give in to negativity.
I lift everything up to You and I know I'm safe with You
Let me strive each day to glorify Your name and live each day for You.
In Jesus' name I pray
Amen (:

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