Friday, May 29, 2009

it's amazing what waking up at 5AM when you don't need to does to you

i'm at home at 9.52 AM on a friday morning
no, i don't have h1n1
i just don't take h1 papers that are ongoing as i type
i chose to take 4 h2s and dieee in july (:
talk about prolonged suffering lol
the GP exam was alright
considering the fact that i kind of freaked out for no reason
in the car on the way to school yesterday
that went surprisingly well
had an N.E. quiz
it should be rated as the toughest exam in Singapore
it is soooo general-knowledge-ish
after trying the first few questions, you could tell people were getting desperate
not good
they started creating general knowledge
thank goodness its MCQ so the nonsense can't go very far and is somewhat controlled

i still remember the first question:
Mas Selamat escaped from Senoko to Malaysia by:
option 1: swimming 1.1 kilometres
option 2: driving across the causeway
option 3: seeking help from a fisherman
option 4: running across the causeway
to my utter shock, my classmate honestly thought it was option 3.
and there was a question about who's the education minister of Singapore.
i only remember 3 options out of the 4.
mr tharman, dr ng or mr lui
again, a lot of confusion
what's the revelation?
in your JC life, you live under a rock
wonder if it's the same in university and when you go to work

i like this verse:
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord"
--- Psalm 27:14
yessss tomorrow's saturday!
awesome mannnn

haha actually what happened to peijun yesterday was somewhat of a reminder
(peijun, maybe this is God's reason for letting that happen lol)
story goes like this:
once upon a thursday in may
i replied peijun's message
and sent the usual morning message
peijun asked me again later that day whether i had my exam
when the fact is hours ago i sent her a message saying it was over
i thought my phone was going nuts again so i replied her message
poor girl thought everybody was ignoring her cos for some reason, no one was replying her messages
turns out....
they all got stuck and they flooded in when she restarted her phone
end of the eventful thursday in may

peijun thought i was very stressed so i wouldn't send out the morning message
cos she didn't receive it till it flooded in together with everything else
i actually did think of that possibility
and how easy it is to sweep everything aside when you're so caught up in your own world
and you forget God
i remember when i first started doing this
not-so-smooth flowing
time constraint
phone hanging and restarting
(i tell you, my phone has a mind of its own
when it restarts, it sends out the morning message a second time
and for the past few weeks, timo has been receiving double
i tell you, my phone loves timo)
and yes, back to forgetting about God
its so easy to just let it slip your mind
or even make up an excuse
like: i am stressed, i am tired, etc
no excuse really
no basis for argument
there is no reason that we can't spend time with God or doing God's will
He spends all His time watching over us and guiding us
it's all excuses
like what bel, peijun, timo and szern have all told me on separate occasions all in different ways and words:
He will help us make time if we're willing
it's always that same choice over and over again
just because you've made it once doesn't mean you've made it for life
the world is constantly changing
we are constantly changing
our priorities are constantly changing
but there should never be anything that takes over the #1 spot

Be The Centre
Standing in the Most Holy Place
Arms are high and voices shout praise
Lord, people yearn to seek Your face

We pour our praise on You
Seek You in all we do
God, be the centre of our lives
We place all hope in You
Have faith in all we do
God, be the centre of our lives

Standing before Your glowing throne
Live passion flowing from our souls
In our lives, may Your glory be shown

Light Of This World
Here from the first break of light
Even in the darkest of times
You were here all along

It's the might of Your glorious light
That keeps me going through the night

Jesus, You're the light of my life
Saviour King amazing in my sight
Your light is indescribable, unmatchable
You alone are the light of this world

Still here after all the failure
Even as I'm broken from my fall
Your light still shines strong

Flame In Me
There's no need for proof
I've found all I need in You
Father, Your love is all I need
Won't You light the flame in me

Nothing can put Your fire out
Nothing can burn this soul out
Nothing stops Your unfailing love
From touching this sinner's heart
Nothing stops Your amazing love
From consuming this contrite heart

There's nothing I'd like better
Than to be swallowed by Your fire
Jesus, take my soul higher
In Your all consuming fire

i truly stand a testimony of Your grace
for without you, i am nothing
and i know that everything happens for a reason in one way or another
whatever happens may not be what i expected or wanted
but i know it happened to showcase Your work in my life
and i am more than willing
of course, i want this cup to be taken from me
because i don't think i can bear this burden any longer
and i find myself losing control
or at least i feel like i am
yet not my will but Your will be done
if You think i am ready
i will try to be as ready as i can be
and i know You'll give me strength
and i know You're in control
You hold my world in Your hands
and i can't think of anybody better to entrust my life with
because Your plan for me is the best there can ever be

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