Sunday, May 31, 2009

i've made the choice to wait

i haven't been so pissed off in a long time
it's okay if you don't help much
all we needed you to do was to offer help
the least you could do was show initiative
i feel so stressed now
not good
okay that's enough negativity for the day

treasuring the people around you is important
and i learned this lesson only recently
this is one of the things that's easy to say but never easy to carry out
i'm glad i learned it
i said this before and i'll say it again
next to God, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me
i really really mean that
i have this thing that's sort of inborn in me
when i make a promise i mean every single word
when i make a promise i follow through it the best i can
then there are some promises you wish you never made
i just wish i had made that promise sooner
but i know we'll work on it together

yesterday, the second greatest revelation was this.
our heart is God's place of worship
there're times when certain undesirable things enter
and so on
there comes a time when God shows us how badly our hearts have been corroded by all this
then its time to do some 'springcleaning'
throw out everything unsightly to Him
cast out all burdens for they have no place in His place of worship
only when your burdens have been cast aside, do we really come before Him with a worshipful heart
only then can we concentrate on our prayers
only then can we communicate properly with God

Wait For You
I don't care what people say
I know You promised You'd stay
By faith, I walk in Your ways

I know You are here
Here every day
And I trust in You
In every way

Jesus, I will wait for You
Its Your call what I should do
Its Your time, take my life, Lord
I know it's safe in Your hands
Jesus, I trust in Your plan
I'll hold on and wait for You

By grace I'm safe in Your hands
Comfort no one understands
Love I'll never comprehend

Held in Your loving embrace
I will live to give You praise
Lord, I'll live to seek Your face

i know for sure that He's here
He's spoken so clearly
He's always been there
in the Bible, we see instances where they cry out
"God, don't be far from me"
they don't mean that God had moved away from them
God's always here
we just need to open our eyes
and we'll see the blessings that surround us
they were the ones drifting
we are the ones drifting
He's always been the same
unfailing, righteous, just, loving, indescribable

my prayer, God, is that You'll keep my eyes on You
God, give me the focus
God, give me the strength
God, even as it hurts, i don't want to stray
i've strayed before and i know what it's like
i don't want it to happen again
God, guide me off that broken road
i know i can do it through You

Saturday, May 30, 2009

You alone are amazing (:

it is amazing how prayers work wonders
how just talking to God can make me feel more peaceful
when it was official, i was so scared, so shocked
it's like fear totally gripped me when realization slapped me in the face
and for the first three hours of knowing
i just didn't know what to do
i didn't feel like doing anything or telling anybody
i just wanted to think
but everything was screaming at me
i didn't even want to text the people who were waiting for news from me
i just couldn't bring myself to say or do anything
when i'd calmed down reasonably, i texted the few close friends to let them know
even after that, i didn't feel any better
i indulged in self-pity
like totally immersed in it

today i feel like the burden's gone
before service, i was really just forcing myself to seem okay
even then it can't escape certain people so i just tried my best to be truly happy

(i know you will read this at some point of time.and you'll know it's for you.for sure.if you don't, clarify with me and i'll tell were right, i was being a different person from the one who texted you.i'm not sure whether you meant that but it has been repeating in my head because it's true.there was so much to say.and i just didn't know how to say it or how to i sort of pushed you's just another excuse and i know it.after cellgroup, i wanted to hug you and just say that i'm really sorry.didn't have the chance but i will.thank you so much for your patience.there are so many things i need to talk to you that i know what happened, that's not going to happen again.i promise.this promise is for you and God)

that so doesn't work
during the entire service:
i was distracted
i was frustrated
i was totally faking
it was only until praise and worship in cellgroup that i really just came clean with God
i knew He knew it
probably some people around me knew it too
but i needed to say it
i needed to come before Him
and i needed to just kneel and pray
i'm glad there was that session
it made a whole lot of difference
(during altercall, there was this point where God told me that i am idle when i'm being negative.which is so true.when your heart's not in it, service becomes a waste of time)
during praise and worship, they played 'The Heart Of Worship'
i was kind of stunned how much the lyrics spoke to me.

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
All about You Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You
It's all about You Jesus

two things:
(1) God sees our heart and it is also a place of worship, it has to be pure
(2) i was twisting God's love

God's place of worship isn't a place or a building
it is our heart
when i allowed the negativity to enter
and allowed myself to indulge in self-pity
i was letting sin in
it caused me to push people away
people who cared and loved me
it might've hurt people, i don't know
but when the self-pity set in
it totally distracted me and threw me offcourse from my focus
my focus became me, not God
it was scary how it happened
goes to show how much more i have to guard my heart

i was raising my hands
i was singing loudly
but my heart was not into the worship up till a certain point of time
in my mind, i was thinking:
so long as i do all this, i'm worshipping
that was wrong
you ready your heart before you worship, not the other way round
my heart was not ready
and i twisted God's love
i treated His love like it wasn't significant enough to be worthy of praise
which is dead dead wrong
by not putting heart into the worship, you're not worshipping at all
God's love is worth more than hand-raising, singing and jumping
nothing can ever reciprocate His love not even our hearts
but that is all He wants
He wants a worshipful, prayerful, trusting heart
it is the least we can offer to God among other things
He has given us so much, the least yet most essential thing we can give back is a heart that seeks Him

thank God for bringing me to my knees
once He spoke through the lyrics, i began to see the blessings around me
they've been there all along
He's given me a family to love
He's given me a cellgroup, my brothers and sisters, to love
He's given me friends to love
He's given me support in every which way
it's that i chose not to see it all
and now that i have
i am truly in awe

those songs that You directed me to write
i can sing them now
i will learn to play it somehow

i don't care what others say
no matter how negative this situation may be
i'm unshaken because i know You're here
i don't ask for healing because i know that that may not necessarily be according to Your will
i ask for this opportunity to showcase Your might
i ask that this be my opportunity to glorify You
this is an opportunity to show my world that You're present in my life
and to show how awesome You are
God i thank You for being the best thing that's happened in my life
i thank You for brothers and sisters that have been so supportive
and i thank You that i'm learning to treasure every moment with them
i thank You for everything
You are amazing
no matter how many times i take You for granted, You are still willing to carry me
and i know You will
Lord, You are just totally awesome
thank You for coming into my life and showering blessings on me
in Jesus' name i pray

Friday, May 29, 2009

it's amazing what waking up at 5AM when you don't need to does to you

i'm at home at 9.52 AM on a friday morning
no, i don't have h1n1
i just don't take h1 papers that are ongoing as i type
i chose to take 4 h2s and dieee in july (:
talk about prolonged suffering lol
the GP exam was alright
considering the fact that i kind of freaked out for no reason
in the car on the way to school yesterday
that went surprisingly well
had an N.E. quiz
it should be rated as the toughest exam in Singapore
it is soooo general-knowledge-ish
after trying the first few questions, you could tell people were getting desperate
not good
they started creating general knowledge
thank goodness its MCQ so the nonsense can't go very far and is somewhat controlled

i still remember the first question:
Mas Selamat escaped from Senoko to Malaysia by:
option 1: swimming 1.1 kilometres
option 2: driving across the causeway
option 3: seeking help from a fisherman
option 4: running across the causeway
to my utter shock, my classmate honestly thought it was option 3.
and there was a question about who's the education minister of Singapore.
i only remember 3 options out of the 4.
mr tharman, dr ng or mr lui
again, a lot of confusion
what's the revelation?
in your JC life, you live under a rock
wonder if it's the same in university and when you go to work

i like this verse:
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord"
--- Psalm 27:14
yessss tomorrow's saturday!
awesome mannnn

haha actually what happened to peijun yesterday was somewhat of a reminder
(peijun, maybe this is God's reason for letting that happen lol)
story goes like this:
once upon a thursday in may
i replied peijun's message
and sent the usual morning message
peijun asked me again later that day whether i had my exam
when the fact is hours ago i sent her a message saying it was over
i thought my phone was going nuts again so i replied her message
poor girl thought everybody was ignoring her cos for some reason, no one was replying her messages
turns out....
they all got stuck and they flooded in when she restarted her phone
end of the eventful thursday in may

peijun thought i was very stressed so i wouldn't send out the morning message
cos she didn't receive it till it flooded in together with everything else
i actually did think of that possibility
and how easy it is to sweep everything aside when you're so caught up in your own world
and you forget God
i remember when i first started doing this
not-so-smooth flowing
time constraint
phone hanging and restarting
(i tell you, my phone has a mind of its own
when it restarts, it sends out the morning message a second time
and for the past few weeks, timo has been receiving double
i tell you, my phone loves timo)
and yes, back to forgetting about God
its so easy to just let it slip your mind
or even make up an excuse
like: i am stressed, i am tired, etc
no excuse really
no basis for argument
there is no reason that we can't spend time with God or doing God's will
He spends all His time watching over us and guiding us
it's all excuses
like what bel, peijun, timo and szern have all told me on separate occasions all in different ways and words:
He will help us make time if we're willing
it's always that same choice over and over again
just because you've made it once doesn't mean you've made it for life
the world is constantly changing
we are constantly changing
our priorities are constantly changing
but there should never be anything that takes over the #1 spot

Be The Centre
Standing in the Most Holy Place
Arms are high and voices shout praise
Lord, people yearn to seek Your face

We pour our praise on You
Seek You in all we do
God, be the centre of our lives
We place all hope in You
Have faith in all we do
God, be the centre of our lives

Standing before Your glowing throne
Live passion flowing from our souls
In our lives, may Your glory be shown

Light Of This World
Here from the first break of light
Even in the darkest of times
You were here all along

It's the might of Your glorious light
That keeps me going through the night

Jesus, You're the light of my life
Saviour King amazing in my sight
Your light is indescribable, unmatchable
You alone are the light of this world

Still here after all the failure
Even as I'm broken from my fall
Your light still shines strong

Flame In Me
There's no need for proof
I've found all I need in You
Father, Your love is all I need
Won't You light the flame in me

Nothing can put Your fire out
Nothing can burn this soul out
Nothing stops Your unfailing love
From touching this sinner's heart
Nothing stops Your amazing love
From consuming this contrite heart

There's nothing I'd like better
Than to be swallowed by Your fire
Jesus, take my soul higher
In Your all consuming fire

i truly stand a testimony of Your grace
for without you, i am nothing
and i know that everything happens for a reason in one way or another
whatever happens may not be what i expected or wanted
but i know it happened to showcase Your work in my life
and i am more than willing
of course, i want this cup to be taken from me
because i don't think i can bear this burden any longer
and i find myself losing control
or at least i feel like i am
yet not my will but Your will be done
if You think i am ready
i will try to be as ready as i can be
and i know You'll give me strength
and i know You're in control
You hold my world in Your hands
and i can't think of anybody better to entrust my life with
because Your plan for me is the best there can ever be

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i just want to go through this with the few of you (:
that's all i ask.

haha GP exam tomorrow!
plus point: there's no school on friday!
awesomeness (:
at least i stay awake at home, i can get more work done at home
school should be optional HAHA
i should become the President then that'd be something to implement (:
yay, i'm pretty happy now cos i FINALLY managed to get the linguistics notes from my friend
i'm already flunking with notes, can you imagine being without notes.
i would have to withdraw from the programme LOL

haha it's difficult to do the right thing
but i'm glad i did
at least i have a clear conscience (:

hmm i think i'm holding up relatively well (:
i'm gearing up for a month of mugging, exams are in july
i'm gearing up for another month of spiritual growth with my favourite people (:
i honestly can't think of a better way to spend my saturday
every week, that's how i recharge
how long have i known them?
5 months
i can never quite fathom how these things happen
but i'm just going to enjoy the present and the future with them
what's past has, well, past

i'm optimistic
i'll take whatever you throw at me
cos i know i'll stand unshaken

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lord, I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord, have Your way in me
And Lord we want to lift Your name on high
And Lord we want to thank You
For the works You've done in our lives
And Lord we trust in Your unfailing love
For You alone are God eternal
Throughout earth and heaven above
I don't know what to think
I think I'm just disappointed
I never thought things would turn out this way
And the more I try, the further you seem to go
It's just a letdown
It was directed at me: I know that
It was in a fit of anger: I know that
What I don't know is why I didn't retaliate
And what I don't know is when I'd forgive
'Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me'
Whoever thought that up was so wrong
Those words should never have been invented.
As much as I know you might not have meant that, it all still hurts
I have prayed about it and I've found peace in Him
Now, I'm just indifferent
It's like it never happened but nothing can change the fact that it happened and things are bound to change.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

it's not my battle to fight

I wish you'd just insult me in some language that I can understand.
I don't think I'm the one who's changed anymore.
It's you.
I've known you practically my entire life, or at least I thought I did.
Now I know you can never totally know a person.
There are times in the past where I really wish I didn't know you.
Now it's just worse.
All of a sudden, it's like I don't know you and you don't know me.
I don't blame anything or anyone else.
Now I'm no longer angry, I'm trying to look beyond that but I know you're not ready to look forward.
So I'm just going to wait.
Patience is a virtue I have yet to achieve but I know that I can.
I don't know what the problem is anymore.
Maybe you think the recent changes in my individual life has pushed us further from each other.
But that's not it.
God said to honour you, why would He put me in a new place that would just push me further away from you and therefore from Him?
And I've been trying to fix it.
But it's never gonna work if you don't do your part.
Or maybe the problem is that we're too much alike.
We're both too quick to judge.
Too quick to anger.
I know that I'm trying but I don't think you are.
So this is how it's going to be?
I don't want to give up but you just might make me.
The only reason I chose not to just leave is because God spoke to me.
The right timing too, because I was about give it all up, thinking that it wasn't worth it.
All I can do now is pray I don't give in to negativity.
This is a spiritual battle.
It's not my battle to fight
I want to leave it in His hands.
Cos I know it's the best way.

God, renew my spirit that I may start each new day better than the last.
Give me the strength and perseverance to trust in You.
Give me the patience to wait for Your timing.
Help me to control my emotions and not give in to negativity.
I lift everything up to You and I know I'm safe with You
Let me strive each day to glorify Your name and live each day for You.
In Jesus' name I pray
Amen (:

Friday, May 22, 2009

no doubt (:

God's amazing, amen?
Haha that's all I have to say really.
How He's worked in my life is amazing.
How He uses me to work in the lives of others is incredible too.
He places everybody in my life for a reason.
I'm convicted of that after what happened today.
You can see the transformation happen before your eyes
Then you can't help but be awed till you're at a loss for words.
That's how overwhelmed I felt today.
I know that I'm getting somewhere because He is here.
He totally reigns.
No doubt.
EVery single thing I will commit into His hands
He has totally won me over
Hands down man.

I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all

Once Upon A Time

I was at the crossroads
I made a choice for life
Chose to follow in Your footsteps

I've lost myself in Your love
My self-centred life
Now a thing of the past

It's all once upon a time
I've given You my life
With You right next to me
That's where I wanna be
It's all once upon a time
All my sins left behind
With you my broken soul
Has become completely whole

It's that trust fall again
I choose to fall back on You
I trust in You alone


It's your unfailing love
I choose to open up my heart
And run into Your embrace


It's the passion for You
I choose to let it consume
Every part of all I am


It's between You and me
Made a choice to go Your way
Chose to let Your Spirit reign


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pour My Love On You

By Phillips, Craig, Dean

I don't know how to say exactly how I feel
And I can't begin to tell You what Your love has meant
I'm lost for words
Is there a way to show the passion in my heart
Can I express how truly great I think You are
You're my dearest friend

Lord this is my desire to pour my love on You

Like oil upon Your feet
Like wine for You to drink
Life water from my heart
I pour my love on You
With praises like the perfume
I lavish mine on You
Till every drop is gone
I pour my love on You

Is there a way to show the passion in my heart
Can I express how truly great I think You are
My dearest friend

Lord this is my desire to pour my love on You

Like oil upon Your feet
Like wine for You to drink
Life water from my heart
I pour my love on You
With praises like perfume
I lavish mine on You
Till every drop is gone
I pour my love on You

this song has its own beauty
and it really struck me while I listened to it
how much there's still left to go
how maybe the love flowing out hasn't been flowing fast enough
at the rate it should be, seeing that I feel more and more blessed each day
it's easy to say that you've been blessed because God blesses every breathing moment
but ever thought about giving back?
that's the crucial point
then after thinking of giving back, do you follow through?
it's a neverending cycle to better yourself
your development is between you and God, at times with help from people around you you've been blessed with
but it should never be between you and someone else.
God's love is pure, motivated by nothing less than more love
Same with our love: it shouldn't be motivated by the hope of gaining favour and praise from man.

keep my eyes on You

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I feel very enlightened, I really do.
it's amazing how God answers prayers so subtly.
yet I know that it's Him.
today, or rather tonight, was a night of revelations.
I'm truly amazed at how much I learned through a discussion with the cellgroup, mainly Timo.
let's review the revelations:

1. We are nothing
2. We know nothing
3. There's no predestiny
4. There's no THE ONE for you

Revelation 1
we are really absolutely nothing compared to God.
(this is linked to the lyrics of the song Who Am I by Casting Crowns - scroll down to one of the previous posts this month called "music")
how can we ever ever fathom His love?
or worse still, think we have already understood how He's like?
there's no way.
God created the universe and all the things in it.
We can't even understand the universe, let alone its Creator
He loves us so much that He blesses us umpteen times
I mean how amazing is that?
talk about unconditional love.
we are nothing, yet He chose us over all other things
He chose to save us even as there was a sacrifice involved
this just lifts Him higher.
so much higher that right now, we are even smaller than we used to be.
we are but specks compared to Him.
that's how awesome He is (:

[this is where i really started going wrong and as Timo was clearing doubts, the buzzers were going off in my mind]
Revelation 2
We know nothing, really
the worst part is that we think we do
we jump at the chance to proclaim our own self-righteousness
but do we really know what it's all about?
do we really, truly know the way?
truth is, as much as we delude ourselves that we do, we don't
think we know everything in the universe?
how then would we know everything there is to know about the Creator of the universe?
this is why we are forever learning more about God
after knowing this, I feel the hunger to learn more about Him, more than before.
our christian life should be constantly developing
I was so humbled upon hearing this from Timo
It made me think back to when I first came for cellgroup
I came in thinking that I would be somewhat on the same level as them, having ever gone through Bible study
I was so wrong
I remember feeling overwhelmed
even back then, God was hinting at this realisation just that I never thought about it till Timo brought it up.
our christian life should be anything but monotonous and static.
our walk with God should come first.
we have to ensure that we're walking right with God before launching into learning more.
non-Christians can memorise every passage in the Bible but if they're not Christians, their knowledge is nothing.
even Christians who are just Christians in name: it all amounts to nothing.
it's only at times after people have been somewhat enlightened to this, like what i underwent just now, that it strikes them how ignorant they are.
We don't know it all
I am still ignorant, still learning, but at least I'm aware.

Revelation 3
What is predestiny?
It means that someone has already planned your life out for you.
It's a theory with a gaping loophole: what about our failures?
You mean someone planned that we'd fail - and we did?
God has a will and He has His plan for us.
He placed freewill over predestiny.
He's all powerful and He could have willed us to do things the way He wanted it with a snap of a finger.
But the amazing thing is HE DIDN'T.
He allowed us to decide.
question: then why didn't He stop me from making all those mistakes?
Timo's analogy:
Let's say you're on the edge of a cliff.
God's telling you: don't jump
But you chose to go against that and jump.
We can actually do anything we like, it's a matter of whether or not we choose to do what's in line with His will
Just like drinking alcohol.
We can drink alcohol.
But we choose not to because we know what the consequences can be like.
So God knows the end result of everything we're gonna do, in line with His will or not.
He gives us the option of deviating.
And even if we choose to not go according to His will, He'll choose to bless us
That's why we pray: God, guide me towards a decision in line with Your will.
It's why we put Him and His will above all else.
then what about people who drifted and came back: did God know they were coming back?
He knew exactly when we would but He still threw opportunities at us even before that
That proves how much He wanted us to come back into His embrace
then what about people who never did come back to God?
believe it or not, He knew whether we were gonna be Christian or not, how we were gonna live.
to non-Christians, He still continuously threw opportunities their way even as they rejected Him so many times
And He continues to do so till the day they're gone.
He left it up to us.
that is one of the infinte number of amazing things God's willing to do for us.
Timo mentioned this and it struck me: God has purposely rendered Himself powerless over our decisions
That's actually the freewill given to us: He could but He didn't
My thought the entire time we were on this subject:
He loves me (and all the people around me) so much
We don't deserve it and yet, we get that unconditional love
How could we ever turn away, knowing how much He loves us?

Revelation 4
What about THE ONE for me?
Once again....
No such thing.
Oookayyy so maybe it's a two-choose-one, three-choose-one, four-choose-one thing?
God didn't make our love life to be a multiple choice question paper
There's no fixed answer, no single person you're destined to marry
I mean, what if the person you're destined to be with died early or married someone else or migrated to Antarctica to look after penguins?
Are you gonna spend the rest of your life seeking this person?
Are you gonna spend your life as a spinster or bachelor then?
God didn't destine us to be with one particular person.
Again, this is where freewill comes in
God gave us all the choice of who we wanna marry (or whether we even want to marry in the first place)
We choose to ask God to guide us.
So it should be: God, show me who's the one?
Nahhh, more of: God, lead me to someone in line with Your will
sometimes,just because the person you have in mind is Christian doesn't mean that's in line with God's will
there are Christians of different faith levels,different commitment levels.
even people from the same church may not be right
since we're incapable of truly judging for ourselves, we rely on God.
God's matching will be the right one (:

Moral of the story: trust GOD and His plan
Awesomeness, these revelations are like totally mind-boggling
I'm still in awe of it all
The best part is it was indirectly answering prayers that I prayed earlier.
totally amazing(:
I really thank God for it!
thanks to Timo and Peijun as well (:
very very long post....
gotta go do my 800 word essay now.

Friday, May 15, 2009

trust: hard to earn, easy to lose

Wow, lots of work to do over the weekend.
Still there're a lot of things to be thankful for.
I'm glad God's helping me to put what's passed where it belongs: wayyy behind me.
It's forever a trust fall: between God and I.
I trust God will handle it (:

And I thank you for believing in me
I'm really glad I met you both.

I don't want our friendship to be affected in any way.
That's the only reason I've decided to be honest with you
I only hope you can be just as honest with me.
Friends have each others' backs.
We look lout for each other and the last thing we want is for the other person to get hurt.

You're right: if you love, you're bound to get hurt
And when you love someone, you want the other person to be happy no matter what.
This applies to all kinds of love: love between family members, friends, etc.
I know what will make you happy
If only I could guarantee it.
But I can't.
You have to cast your burdens on God.
Only He can carry you through
I can only follow his direction

School work plus class politics plus cca politics plus emotional stress
it's been tough on you and it's testing your faith
but you'll pull through
you just gotta trust God
that can be difficult
but we'll make it through together
i promised to be with you through and i will do my best to be there both spiritually and physically
but only God can be with you every step of the way
i know you find it so hard cos you've drifted
but it'll all be okay
trust God!

I believe You're my Healer

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Life Support System

When I'm weary and breathless
And I'm just about to collapse
You breathe into me strength to carry on

Frustrated with many things on my mind
I need to leave all that's passed behind
In You I find the peace that drives me further

All I'll ever need
So much more than I can be
Where would I be without You
Jesus You saved me

Because of You
I can smile and stay strong
Because of You
I held on so long
And I know no matter how broken
I can count on You to be
My life support system

Breaking chains that hold me back
Picking up the pieces again
Your hope has me standing stronger than before

Always there answering my heart's call
Always there to catch me when I fall
Your love picks me up and takes me higher



I need some time to think
I have to sort out emotions and thoughts and that's never easy
It's on my mind still
But I know I've given it to God
There's always that amazing peace that comes with that
I've stopped worrying
3 times You've spoken so clearly
This proves that You are listening
I prayed for that impact
Even if it all doesn't reach people, I know it reached me
Your presence means so much and I thought I'd lost it for a while
Now I know that You were just waiting for the right time
I admit that I doubted.
But now I know that Your timing is really impeccable
You give and take away

Because Of You

Tried to fly and not rely on Your strength
Something caught and crippled my wings
Cried out I can't do it without You here
Next moment You lifted me up

Kneeling before You in brokenness
Your presence drains away my emptiness
There's no one as amazing as You

Because of You
I can stand firm again
Because of You
I'm not beaten by pain
Because of You
I can stay strong each day
And I know I'll be okay
Everything's gonna be alright
Because You're here by my side

Relied on things existing on earth
And upon their abandonment
I presented You my empty cup
Next moment You filled me up



Chose to go against Your way
Climbed high on my pedestal again
But then I fell and needed help
Next moment You picked me up



I Need You

With me through every fight
Your awesomeness words can't describe
God, Your love is all I need

I need You, Lord
Teach me to let it all go
And allow You to take full control
I need You more
I need You like never before
I need You to carry me through the storm

Lord, stay with me
Fill my whole being
God, hold me close
Never let me go
I want You to know
I love You with all my soul

Take me away on Your wings
With You, my soul will sing
Your love surpasses all things

i need You, Lord
Teach me to let it all go
And allow You to take full control
I need You more
I need You like never before
I need You to carry me through the storm

Lord, stay with me
Fill my whole being
God, hold me close
Never let me go
I want You to know
I love You with all my soul

You're amazing God
You're all I want
You're all I need
To make me complete