Tuesday, June 16, 2009

tuesday's post

this video is really touching

can you imagine: this is the extent of His love

it didn't hit me as hard till i saw this video

God didn't stop loving even though it cost Him

Why should we stop loving Him once we have to sacrifice?

His sacrifice is something that is irreplaceable

For people whose hearts have been broken: He's the only one who can heal the wounds

For people who have messed up big time: He's the only one who can give you the strength to pick up the pieces

For people who feel empty, lost, upset: He's the only one who can make you whole again by filling your heart

Once you experience God in your life, you never want to let go

You only want more


the fast has been going good(:

its true, when you make God's desires yours, it doesn't seem as painful.

it was tough but it's getting easier each day

perhaps this is what worship is truly about:

making His ways your ways

making His plan your plan

making His values your values

we put aside our emotions for God

we'd do anything for Him, sacrifice anything for Him


thank You for helping me do the right thing

i doubted from the start

but as i trusted You, i could feel You helping me

every step of the way

i know You're here

because i cried out in my heart for help and You heard me

thank You


God recently showed me how important words are

how words can help someone who's broken

- thank You for helping me pick her up.i know You were speaking to me,telling me what to say to her.thank You.Your words healed her,i just repeated them.only You can heal her wounds.the scars will remain but they will fade in time.these are scars only the world's greatest surgeon can remove.soon,it will be without a trace.trust me and trust God.

how words could help the situation if they had been said earlier

- i should've listened to You.that voice in my head telling me what to say but i wasn't courageous enough to trust You.now,i know better.we learn along the way.and You helped to make things better.no matter how bad my choices may be,You've always made them good.i want to renew my trust fall with You.

how words that did not go unsaid should have gone unsaid

- again,i should've listened to You.things would not have turned out this way.but you made me realise how wrong i was,how the misconception even started.i know You'll change things.You've already started stirring up something.only You can turn this around.it's in Your hands.

how apologies can make a difference

- thank You for helping me.i may not have had the courage at first but You gave me the courage.no matter what others say,i know i did the right thing.no matter who's against me,i know i did what You wanted me to do.i wished i had done it sooner but i know it's about Your timing.i know You'll make everything better.things will change but it's Your will and i know that's something great right there.


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