Sunday, August 2, 2009


oh i've got 1 SPA(science practical assessment), 2 CA(continual assessment)s and 1 FA(formative assessment) this week
superduperfun right
i'm like jumpjumpjump for joy
its chem,math,chem,econs
wahhh fainttt

okay a very important question:
take note: WITH a pull-buoy
well, the answer is very very simple
she gets her hand slammed by some guy with hand-weights
i tell you it is so shiok
it was so swollen on friday
the most ironic thing is that i went into the pool with the intention of being careful
best part is i was but the other pool-user was not
i attract injuries, sighs
never mind, it will get better by next week i guess?
if it doesn't, uhh....
time to press the panic button

recently, i know the emotion barrier is back
but i'm doing my best to overcome that
opening up is not easy even with your best friend
that, people, is what happens when you keep too much to yourself
i will practice with God and who He's given
i so need to open up cos sometimes, i just end up suppressing further
i ask for Your patience and yours
thank You for then, now and what is to come and all the amazing people in my life

it is time to get as close to God as possible
i so need to hear Him more
i need Him more than before and
i miss how it used to be just knowing that you're connecting with Him
searching real hard for Him these days
i know He's there but it's like,i'm not able to connect like i used to
i'm doing a pretty bad job of expressing myself here
i do get the feeling i used to get
but it always seems to flicker too quickly
God, just touch me again

God, you know my prayer

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