Sunday, August 23, 2009

moulding in progress

Darlene Zschech - The Potter's Hand

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
I know for sure, all of my days are held in your hands
Crafted into your perfect plan

You gently call me into your presence guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through Your eyes

I'm captured by Your holy calling
Set me apart, I know you're drawing me to yourself
Lead me Lord I pray

Take me, mould me
Use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me
Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hand
A friend recently wrote this as his MSN nick:
"Sometimes, treating people the way you would treat yourself just isn't enough because some people deserve so much more."
That's very, very true.
Even when you feel like treating others bad, put yourself in their shoes, think how you would want them to treat you if your positions were reversed.
Then treat them better.
I've never been taught to reciprocate what others have done to me
I've always been taught to act my own way
Like don't mould your way of treating others after the way others treat you
Reciprocate generously
People treat you bad, you treat them good
People treat you good, you treat them better
Life becomes more purposeful because you seek to treat others better and you learn to put others before yourself

My dad said something like this:
"There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. Confidence is the real thing, arrogance is a shell. That is why arrogance crumbles more easily compared to confidence."
If you think about it, anyone who has something "bad" has spiritual needs
Someone who's arrogant might need self-esteem and spiritual confidence
Someone who's selfish might need to feel God's unselfish love and let go of what he/she feels is closest to their heart or perhaps even let go of an experience whereby he/she lost something or somebody close to them

We can't look down on those whose sins are more prominently shown in their lives because we ourselves have sinned and we still sin
No one is ever "born like that"
Nobody ever sins without knowing they have sinned
There will always be something in you that tells you that you are doing something wrong
God is the one who makes the difference
Anyone can make amends then sin all over again and make amends again and keep repeating this cycle
God is the one who can help break the cycle
He allows us to see the root of sin and gives us a choice whether we want to cut it off or not
On the surface, He'll show you that certain actions stem from something in your heart that has gone wrong
Then He'll eventually reveal that it was linked to something that happened in the past that's moulded you to be the way you are
No one is born a murderer or a druggie or whatever
It is the experiences that moulded them
They made contact with sin
Sometimes, we didn't know it's there so we unknowingly stepped into it despite something in our spirit warning us
It's like you didn't know a friend was that bad till after making contact with the person for some time
The next step is whether you want to keep contacting this friend or not
It is whether you want to let God mould you through the experiences or not
Some people say:
"I've sinned anyway. Why not just keep doing it to make things more convenient for myself and then atone for it later, all at one go!"
Sin is not some bonus-points system or some loyalty system
You're not making things any easier by accumulating it
God is not impressed that you were aware of the sin but continued doing it anyway just so you'd make things "easier" for Him by forgiving only once for all the sin
The more you accumulate, the harder it will be for you to get out
It will be a rut you cannot get out of
Of course, that's not to say you atone for the sin then do it again the next moment
Don't ever think God doesn't know what's happening, whether your heart is truly repentant or not
He knows more than you know
There's no use repenting verbally but not in your heart
But once you are ready and repentant, God will make everything fall into place for you
He will still allow situations where you will be tempted but He'll never give you anything that you cannot bear
He will give you the strength to stand up against it
The fact is that if you are willing to rely on Him, no temptation could stand against you cos you'd break it down (:

Every weekday morning, I hear this sentence but it's never really come across strongly till now


God is always there when you need Him, God is always watching your back, God is always ready to catch you when you fall, God is always there to listen.
God is always there and that alone is proof of His love

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