Monday, August 17, 2009

hey guess what?
like 5 minutes after posting the last post....
i have the 5th coincidence, courtesy of God and Facebook!

Alexandra got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that you can use any excuse to be happy.You know how sometimes it seems that life is just throwing you one curved ball after another? Well, guess what, - you have a great way to re...spond! - you can use any excuse, any at all to be happy. Don't just soap your body in the shower - caress it and receive pleasure from touching and being touched. Don't just walk on the street - enjoy the fragrances of the trees and the flowers on your way. Don't just drive your car - sing karaoke to your favorite radio station.

whoa man.
just goes to show that when you tell God things, He totally hears you (:
maybe people are gonna start asking
why is it that it seems that at one shot, i get all my answers from God
sometimes, it's not that God didn't show it earlier but that i didn't look hard enough
so when i did, then it all seems so clear (:
thank God that He's revealing it all to me now

2nd Timothy 4:7, NIV
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
let's keep the faith people, keep praying and reading!

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