Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thank God.
Two simple words that can be described, defined when separated.
But when they come together and you have to carry it out.
It can seem as impossible as moving mountains.
Or it can be something natural, integrated into your life but yet sincere each time.
I was having such a hard time doing this today.
To me, it was like I CAN'T DO IT
I told God that I just couldn't seem to do it.
Yet somehow, a while later, I read what I myself messaged out to the cellgroup.
And it hit me HARD.
From then on, it was all about giving thanks.
When I was tempted to be mad at God, He gave me something and helped me stand up against it.
This is a small thing.
But all these small things add up and once you let them pile, the temptation to give in is too great.
So must clear all the rubbish daily so you don't have a major stinkup later on.

Thank God for Labour Day

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