Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well it's another week?
Haha, its beginning to be a routine.
I think the only thing that's keeping me afloat would be prayers and songs.
I've been getting frustrated very easily these days.
I need to rely on Him more than ever and I guess that's good.
I find solace in just reaching out to Him.
And it's only recently that I've come to realise how much my life has revolved around three words:
It's never seemed to go any further.
I just need that peace.
I need the comfort.
And I really need relief:
I want to do my best for Him.
And things keep getting in the way.
Sometimes I just don't understand.
It seems so easy to just say "I give everything to You"
But then you go back to worrying about it.
I wish that for those few things that keep holding me back would just disappear.
But they won't.
It's only when you've really reached the end and about to fall off that you really take that step of faith.
Or maybe that's just me?
I don't know.
All I know is that I gotta really find the time, make the time to seek Him.
And there's nothing I'd rather do.
On to other stuff.
I've been getting those feelings again.
And I want to continue having those feelings.
But once I do, I'd just throw myself into it.
And everything else gets about 10% of my attention.
And Joline requested I write something special for her.
That's a secret for now but I hope I can perform?
And and and, I'm getting tunes for songs.
I guess it's somewhat a breakthrough cos I used to write them and not know how I want it to sound.
Whoever heard of lyrics with no tune.
I'm pretty glad I guess.
Well everything that happens is by God's grace so yeap, I'm really grateful.
I just don't know how I can do what God has given me any justice.
Cos if you've heard me sing, you'd know I suck at it.
Worse still, I can barely play an instrument.
So I'm basically stuck?
Haha yay, week's almost half-over.

I never really understood how it is that you guys saw things that I didn't exactly see.
I'm glad you guys saw and told and supported.
Another hurdle comes just after the previous one dissolved.
It's an experience.
And you know what?
I'm experiencing joy every step of the way: both ecstatic and bitter joy
But all the same, I'm loving how everything's turned out.
Wasn't sure at the beginning.
Now I'm more sure than I've ever been.

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