Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a week.
Nationals are meant to be surprising and at times, disappointing.
Let's never forget to be gracious winners and losers alike.
Well, I got into the finals.
That's a bittersweet thing for me but let's not go into that.
I think I've thought about it too much over the week.
I'm just going to lift Monday's training and Tuesday's and Wednesday's finals into God's hands.
I'm so glad I went down to support Tess on Thursday then go for the IG outing later that night.
Brings people closer yup, that's my main reason for going.

Praying almost always draws you closer to God.
The only time it doesn't is when you're praying for the wrong reasons.
Like when your prayers revolve around your own desires.
I remember how I first started out praying.
This isn't very far back.
I'm tracing back to the time where Peijun had to force me to pray.
I think praying for others is a good idea.
Yesterday was an experience.
The whole thing was just really cool and it was a very... sacrificial thing.
Well, it's hard to describe except that I really felt very connected.
To God, to how I felt, to the people I was praying for.
It's like impromptu.
So you wait for the Spirit's prompting.
And I felt so much better after doing it.
It's like without that overwhelming prompting, you don't make a move on your own.
That just goes to show we have to rely on God.
Cos He removes all the barriers.
Let's all pray for each other more.


I will live to love You
I will live to bring You praise
I will live a child in awe of You

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