Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thank God.
Two simple words that can be described, defined when separated.
But when they come together and you have to carry it out.
It can seem as impossible as moving mountains.
Or it can be something natural, integrated into your life but yet sincere each time.
I was having such a hard time doing this today.
To me, it was like I CAN'T DO IT
I told God that I just couldn't seem to do it.
Yet somehow, a while later, I read what I myself messaged out to the cellgroup.
And it hit me HARD.
From then on, it was all about giving thanks.
When I was tempted to be mad at God, He gave me something and helped me stand up against it.
This is a small thing.
But all these small things add up and once you let them pile, the temptation to give in is too great.
So must clear all the rubbish daily so you don't have a major stinkup later on.

Thank God for Labour Day

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i'm dyingggg....
drowning in and out of the pool.
all i can say is my performance improved from the qualifiers.
which isn't much to speak of in the first place.
schoolwork is a whole new story and let's just say i have a lot of catching up to do.
and yet i'm sitting here blogging.
i'm just too drained to do anything else.
on the plus side, i didn't get disqualified at all.
thank God.
i was able to swim cos He gave me strength.
i was able to sustain because He gave me faith.
i was able to do anything in the first place because He gave me hope.
and my relationship with them seems to be getting worse...
i don't know why it seems worse when i am actually making an effort to make things better.
wells, praypraypray.
haha, i love talking to angela and nic, they're so awesome.
and i don't know, it's just that we're on the same wavelength.
we just get what each other is saying (:
thank God for meeting awesome people in my life!

a few more are coming up!
open up the spiritual ears and put those fingers towards doing His will!

And till i see You face to face
And grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in You

And i'll live to worship
And i'll live to bring You praise
And i'll live a child in awe of You

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a week.
Nationals are meant to be surprising and at times, disappointing.
Let's never forget to be gracious winners and losers alike.
Well, I got into the finals.
That's a bittersweet thing for me but let's not go into that.
I think I've thought about it too much over the week.
I'm just going to lift Monday's training and Tuesday's and Wednesday's finals into God's hands.
I'm so glad I went down to support Tess on Thursday then go for the IG outing later that night.
Brings people closer yup, that's my main reason for going.

Praying almost always draws you closer to God.
The only time it doesn't is when you're praying for the wrong reasons.
Like when your prayers revolve around your own desires.
I remember how I first started out praying.
This isn't very far back.
I'm tracing back to the time where Peijun had to force me to pray.
I think praying for others is a good idea.
Yesterday was an experience.
The whole thing was just really cool and it was a very... sacrificial thing.
Well, it's hard to describe except that I really felt very connected.
To God, to how I felt, to the people I was praying for.
It's like impromptu.
So you wait for the Spirit's prompting.
And I felt so much better after doing it.
It's like without that overwhelming prompting, you don't make a move on your own.
That just goes to show we have to rely on God.
Cos He removes all the barriers.
Let's all pray for each other more.


I will live to love You
I will live to bring You praise
I will live a child in awe of You

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

standing on Your promise :)

Still trying to figure it out in my head.

My first ever Nationals heat was today: 400 metres freestyle.
When they say competition is stiff, they really mean it.
There were people doing half my timing.
Imagine my desperation.
But I just realised that I broke my P.B (personal best)
That's obviously not impressive.
So there was a target...... and I met it.
The timing is nothing to be proud of but at least I improved.
Now all I wanna do is to do my best during the 100 metres butterfly tomorrow.
And I wanna do it for God.
I swim for God, not for anybody else.
And whatever achievements I have, glory goes to God.

This verse is something I actually mass-messaged out to the cellgroup this morning but it didn't impact me as much as I thought it did till this afternoon.
It REALLY hit me then.
I was wondering: why don't I perform the way I fantasize it to be?
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
---Jeremiah 29:11
This is His promise to all of us.
It's only a matter of time when this verse makes its impact.
Actually, this is a timely reminder because at some point of time, we lose sight of things.
If you're as clueless as me, you need a straight-out reminder.
[many thanks to peijun and belicia] :)

Your sweet promise created on the strong foundation of an everlasting love.
That's all I'll ever live for.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hold Still

Hold Still
Hear Him speak to you
Hold Still
Let Him tell you what to do
Hold Still
And just let Him change you

Then You'll see
Pain and weariness fade away
Joy and hope take their place

Cos He's here
In our midst today
Cos He's here
There's always a way
Cos He's here
All troubles go away
Cos He's here
I can live another day

Hold Still
He's got a purpose for you
Hold Still
There's nothing He can't do
Hold Still
He's right here with you

Hold Still
Find your peace in Him
Hold Still
Seek His presence within
Hold Still
Let's open our hearts and worship Him

Hold Still
And just hold on

To all who feel like they're losing their grip:
Just hold still, for He'll fight our battles for us
How sure am I that He'll come?
Very sure.
Because His Promise is that He'll never forsake us.
Never ever
We'll get through things together.
Life can't get us down in any way.
It's our attitude towards life that's holding us back.

More Than This [A Child In Awe Of You]

I come before Your throne
Falling on bended knee
Arms up high lifting praise to You
Because You've changed me

With all I am I come before You
I may be wounded, broken
But still holding on to You

With all I am
With all I've ever been
I'm singing this song
And soon the world will see
You are above all things
You are more than this

When I fall cos I didn't listen
Still You stretch out Your hand
You pick me up time and again
I turned but You still loved me

You know the song of my heart
You know every single word
And You sing it back to me
When I've forgotten the words

I know You're here
And I'll reach out to You
You'll never let me stumble
Lord let my feet never falter

I stand a child in awe of You
Trembling at Your awesome name
Living each day to lift You higher
Lord in all that I do
All the glory goes to You

Let's give Him the praise He deserves in every way.
It's not us who accomplishes what we've accomplished.
It is Him working in us: God gives us competence.
Whatever we do, we commit it to Him and the glory goes to Him.
He mends us, heals us after every circumstance.
He's more than we'll ever need.
He's shown us love in every way.
For the brothers and sisters we love:
When we say it, we mean it in our hearts.
It's not just empty talk.
And we don't just say it.
We show it.
No matter what happens, we'll always be there for each other.
Don't worry, take heart, we'll all support you.
Let's all continue to encourage each other!

lost again

life is so many things.
but most importantly (like what i told my dear 19-going-on-20 aunt), life rocks.
and for the most important reason: because God is in it :)
what a crazy week.
experiences make you grow.
unfortunately for me, nothing to do with vertical growth.
but yeah, sometimes these experiences aren't what we imagine them to be.
but we learn, we grow, we swim.
nationals is this week (if you count today as the first day of the week)
and i'm still trembling slightly everytime i get up the thing that you plunge from.
on the plus side, i think my plunging has improved a teeny bit.
well, there's always next year?
this is going to be so random but i gotta say this: i totally love my cellgroup.
no link?
actually there is.
throughout my dilemma, pain, frustration: they were there.
and constantly telling me to watch out and be careful.
why be careful?
well, as of now, i have two injuries and i'm sick.
injury one: the neck injury
injury two: the waist-spine-dunnowhatyoucallit injury AKA big bruise
the bruise was from falling down the stairs on Good Friday.
don't ask how it happened, really painful experience.
ah well.
life rocks.

oh yesterday was pretty awesome :)
had a lot of fun!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA! (he won't read this but oh well)
oh i had fun during sharing.
and i learnt a lot.
what really made sense was the part about boundaries.
you don't need to know where's the line.
you don't even need to bother about that.
all you gotta do is stay within the safe zone.
i totally agree (good one timo!)
God-given enlightenment man.
mmm and i enjoyed the bbq :)
had a meaningful talk with bryan and i have to say that he's a good listener and gives good advice!
and i owe him one for sending lots of songs to me via bluetooth (YAY!)

I shall just continue doing what I've been doing
And I hope you'll see why I'm doing it
I still don't see any point explaining to you because I don't think you care.
so yup, let's just leave it at that.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well it's another week?
Haha, its beginning to be a routine.
I think the only thing that's keeping me afloat would be prayers and songs.
I've been getting frustrated very easily these days.
I need to rely on Him more than ever and I guess that's good.
I find solace in just reaching out to Him.
And it's only recently that I've come to realise how much my life has revolved around three words:
It's never seemed to go any further.
I just need that peace.
I need the comfort.
And I really need relief:
I want to do my best for Him.
And things keep getting in the way.
Sometimes I just don't understand.
It seems so easy to just say "I give everything to You"
But then you go back to worrying about it.
I wish that for those few things that keep holding me back would just disappear.
But they won't.
It's only when you've really reached the end and about to fall off that you really take that step of faith.
Or maybe that's just me?
I don't know.
All I know is that I gotta really find the time, make the time to seek Him.
And there's nothing I'd rather do.
On to other stuff.
I've been getting those feelings again.
And I want to continue having those feelings.
But once I do, I'd just throw myself into it.
And everything else gets about 10% of my attention.
And Joline requested I write something special for her.
That's a secret for now but I hope I can perform?
And and and, I'm getting tunes for songs.
I guess it's somewhat a breakthrough cos I used to write them and not know how I want it to sound.
Whoever heard of lyrics with no tune.
I'm pretty glad I guess.
Well everything that happens is by God's grace so yeap, I'm really grateful.
I just don't know how I can do what God has given me any justice.
Cos if you've heard me sing, you'd know I suck at it.
Worse still, I can barely play an instrument.
So I'm basically stuck?
Haha yay, week's almost half-over.

I never really understood how it is that you guys saw things that I didn't exactly see.
I'm glad you guys saw and told and supported.
Another hurdle comes just after the previous one dissolved.
It's an experience.
And you know what?
I'm experiencing joy every step of the way: both ecstatic and bitter joy
But all the same, I'm loving how everything's turned out.
Wasn't sure at the beginning.
Now I'm more sure than I've ever been.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

death could not hold you back :D

I know that feeling all too well
You feel that You're standing all alone
I realised that there was someone greater than me
He was, and still is, watching my back
Then I knew I wasn't alone
Soon, You'll know what I mean
It took me a while to understand
What being a child of God really meant
It'll take me a while to show
That I have what it takes to be a child of God

We are united by His blood as a body in Christ Jesus
That means we care for each other
That means we look out for each other
That means we encourage each other
That means we pray for each other
That means no one is left behind

A calling from the King up high
The calling no one can deny
I'm following that calling

I'm forever seeking
Cos You're deserving
And You're the everlasting

Can't help but be awed by Your love
Can't help but be lost in Your world
Nothing can stop my heart from longing for You
Nothing can stop my heart from seeking You
Nothing in this world could stand against You

More than any ruler
Your reign will never end
My eyes fixated on only You

I'm forever seeking
Cos You're deserving
And You're the everlasting

Can't help but be awed by Your love
Can't help but be lost in Your world
Nothing can stop my heart from longing for You
Nothing can stop my heart from seeking You
Nothing in this world could stand against You

It's no longer empty talk, Lord
I'm gonna run till I reach You
There's no barrier too great

I'm forever seeking
Cos You're deserving
And You're the everlasting

Can't help but be awed by Your love
Can't help but be lost in Your world
Nothing can stop my heart from longing for You
Nothing can stop my heart from seeking You
Nothing in this world could stand against You

And when I run into Your arms
I know I'm where I'm supposed to be
Oh Jesus, right here with You

I'm forever seeking
Cos You're deserving
And You're the everlasting

Can't help but be awed by Your love
Can't help but be lost in Your world
Nothing can stop my heart from longing for You
Nothing can stop my heart from seeking You
Nothing in this world could stand against You

Feedback at the tagboard, I appreciate it, thanks :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

down and up, up and down

the battle is fought because He is worth it
leave the door open even though it may hurt
for those who need His love
and we'll go all the way for Him

nothing matters more
and I will pray for you...

He came He sacrificed
Mercilessly crucified
Jesus You gave everything for me
Each day I'm living just on faith
And I can't help but shout my praise
To the King that reigns in me

Just wait for the day He comes again
He'll come and all obstacles will fall away

Down and up
He came down to show the way
Sacrificial love cleansed me again
Up and down
Resurrected and reigning in Heaven
And not just above
But here on earth
He lives in me

let me know what you think :)