Saturday, February 14, 2009

it's because of Him :]

today's sermon had a massive impact on me!
the story about wally being caught in the barbed wire and saved by his selfless friend really drove the message home for me.
it really emphasised the fact that JESUS set us free from sin.
the analogy of the dog from tom and jerry really helped me to visualise us chained by sin and being held back.
i totally understood that one.
sometimes i feel so constrained and obstacles keep hindering my progress.
sometimes, they really get to you and tempt you to give up.
its really the faith and trust in GOD as well as encouraging influences around me that kept me going.
the story about david livingstone and the chained slaves was so incredibly moving.
the speaker was so expressive and i was really feeling for this story.
we really need GOD every single moment, even after we've been set free.
we need to help spread GOD's Word and we can only do that through Him.

i'm glad GOD gave me the courage to speak with you about what was bothering me.
i'm glad that i prayed for you and that GOD answered and that you are alright. :]
i am further reminded about the importance of prayer...

your birthday surprise was amazing and totally touching!
how touching? so touching that i cried.
those of you who know me should know how difficult it is to make me cry.
my lack of teardrops aside...
i loved and enjoyed every moment of it and am so glad i got to celebrate with you guys!
you're like my family (my brothers and sisters) and i've really enjoyed my time at church.
the best thing that can ever happen to a person is knowing and experiencing GOD and you guys have helped me to do so.
you're still doing it now, of course, and you guys are a huge encouragement to me!
you guys encouraged me to jump during service so i've grown height-wise! :]
more importantly, you guys have helped me grow so much spiritually.
i thank GOD for meeting each and every one of you!
He's blessed me with you guys that have helped me through a time when i wasn't sure what i wanted.
you guys set me on the right track and constantly remind me how to stay on track and there aren't enough words to express gratitude for that.
it was a simple celebration but its the thought that mattered most to me!
i'm amazed you guys thought of singing the song.
that really took me by surprise because i honestly thought we were going to have praise and worship.
that song mattered a lot to me and you guys have made it even more meaningful!
thank you!

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