Wednesday, February 11, 2009

college life (kinda)

this post will be rather all-over-the-place-ish cos i'm in no mood to organise my thoughts.
bear with me alright? :]
okay, this week's been great so far :]
its been all about tutorials, lectures and just basically, lots of adjusting.
for some reason, i can stay awake better in lectures than tutorials.
i nearly fell asleep during the chem tutorial.
that was on my first day.
i resolved to stay awake from then on cos i felt pretty bad.
overall, i have nice tutors so that's pretty cool.
on monday, i went to watch the swim team.
i didn't swim cos of my knee but i will next week.
i was sorely tempted to just jump into the pool.
on the bright side, at least i can get along with the seniors.
the swim team is like a family.
okay, which part of CJ doesn't feel like family?
i like CJ a lot but of course, i still miss swiss.
we're going to swiss this friday!
i'm glad that i tried to catch up with tuition homework.
it's easy to stop the engine but to start it up again takes so much effort.
masterlife's going good.
i'm finding it very interesting.
i'm going to encourage as many people as possible
its amazing how powerful words are when you really mean what you say.
its amazing how GOD speaks through others to me and vice versa.

i wonder if its just me or its a hint from GOD.
you seem to be going through a hard time, judging from the way you reacted.
i don't know what's troubling you or whether you'll tell me eventually.
i don't even know if my instincts are right.
even if i find out they are, i don't know what i would say to encourage you.
but whatever it is, i'm praying for you. :]

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