Saturday, July 11, 2009

the right gift but not necessarily the right purpose

Wow, I really felt God's presence today
I was kinda stunned but I really learned a lot today(:
All along, I thought spiritual gifts were natural talents
Everyday, I realise that there's still some much I can learn from God and from the people He sends
That was an amazing word received
God's put something unique in everybody but whether we wanna die original or unique is really our choice
Something that really got me thinking about using spiritual gifts to serve:
Yea man, it's time I started thinking about it
Not much use admiring people who can serve, why not focus energy towards actually serving?

Heh, I've not really thought about serving much
I guess my concept of serving is very different from past experience in my last church
There isn't much passion there to serve and believe me, the people there are desperate for people to serve
They actually had to resort to "forcing" people into ministries
I remember we had to do some quiz thingy
I was put into the leaders' ministry
I remember like trying desperately to get out of it
Well, my view is totally changed about this
Serving in any way is now a privilege
After taking the spiritual gifts assessment, I'm kind of shocked at the result
And yes, I do doubt it quite a bit
I don't know, it does not seem like something I would do
Then again, God can change people
And recently He's been putting me through similar events
Come to think of it, I may have given something up but I think that God now has something so much greater lying ahead.
Perhaps, an opportunity to serve is approaching and He wants me to be free to take it up?
I feel pretty strongly about this notion
Let's wait and see what God has in mind (:

I mentioned in service feedback that I thought serving was just some volunteer thing
But it's more than that, it's a calling
God's calling us to some mission
Yea man, I want to chase this
It's pretty surprising that I feel so strongly about chasing this
I haven't felt so strongly about things in a long time
The last time I did, I actually gave it up
But thank God, it wasn't the last time the same feeling and yearning returned
1st time I rejected it
2nd time I followed but lost sight of it and gave up again
3rd time I convinced myself that I wasn't ready and dragged it further
4th time I couldn't ignore it any longer and I'm still following it today
I regretted not listening to that prompting before but now, I want to chase it
I have nagging doubts but I'm going to trust God in this
I will keep praying that I'll sustain this passion for His calling
I know how easy it is to fade from that and I don't wanna regret again
It's no longer about what I can't do but what I can do
It's all about God now

I know what I want
It's You

God, I can't say this week has been easy but I can't deny that You're working in my life
I thank You for giving me courage to stand up for how I felt
Things worked out great and You deserve credit in every way
Thank You for giving me people who were supportive of my decision
I even thank You for giving people who were not supportive and were critical of my decision
It helped me to really think about what I want in my life
Just because I can do it doesn't mean I have to
When I rejected it, it wasn't because I felt inferior
I had a feeling that You didn't want me to do it
I had a feeling this wasn't what You wanted me to put any gift towards
I know from today that I made the right choice to follow Your prompting
Where would I be without You?
You're so great and I just want more and more of You in my life
You've been so real, how could I ever turn away?
I pray You keep everyone safe and that wherever we are, we're shining Your light of salvation
I pray against the spirit of discouragement because I know that it's trying to reach us
I pray for all of us that whether we like changes or not, we'd still press on because these changes will help us grow in You
Le Chatelier's Principle is in Your favour, Lord
We oppose the changes spirits did in various forms of attack
Through it all, Lord, I know we'll be stronger in You
That's the change in composition: more of You and less of us
Help us, Jesus, You're all it will ever take
We will live to glorify You, Lord, no one else
Thank You for being my God
In Jesus' Name I pray

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