Sunday, July 19, 2009

Every Moment Of You

I've been to a place
For moments at a time
I never want them to fade
Jesus, I want more of You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You

I've relished that moment
Where it was just me and You
Now I want it every moment
Jesus, I'm hungry for You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You

I cherish every moment
When it's all about You
Where would I be without You
Jesus, I'm desperate for You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You


Yeah, this is my prayer man
That God would be so real in my life
I heard this during a sermon:
Yeap, that's how it should be with my relationship with God
Cling on, hold tight and never let go
Moments in time just fly by
I'd never want to let God slip by but sometimes, it just happens when I get too distracted
When you want it, you always miss it
Just like catching a cab or the bus huh?
Actually, God really isn't like that
When we miss it, its usually that we aren't out there trying to catch Him in the first place
Gotta chase Him before you can ever hope to touch the corner of His robe
I tell you, that analogy is totally stuck in my mind
When you deviate off-course, that is the analogy that wakes you up
Going to church isn't running after God
The four walls mean nothing
What's gonna happen when the four walls are stripped away?
Is the answer still gonna be worship?
How are we really like outside of church - when we're not physically with the people who make up the church?
Church isn't about the building and its four walls; it's about the people
If the people are not part of the church once they leave the building, what's the point?
Christian inside and outside is what counts (:

I realise that for me, this change in environment is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me besides meeting God
It brought so many changes
And God's just working so strongly that I'm still pretty shocked
Some people can't tell this but I'm actually someone whose interest for certain things die off very easily
I'm pretty shocked I stuck with it because when I first started, I think nobody really thought I'd stick with it
Then it became part of my life, part of me
And it's just growing stronger
Just THANK GOD 'cause He's awesome
He made it all happen

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