Friday, July 10, 2009

R-DAY/EOM hangover/Taming Tongues/Le Chatelier's Principle/Here I Am

Wow, its already a week after exams?!
Results will be out on Monday (i think)
I don't exactly know what grades to expect so I'm just gonna leave it
I think I've worried enough for the first few minutes that I heard that Monday is R-DAY
I shall update about that when it happens but only with either (: or ):
Self-explanatory smileys :P

Speaking of studies, I was up till nearly 2AM doing Evaluation Of Material
It was a rushed job but I'm pretty happy with what I managed to come up with
This morning when I reached school, my mind was just blank
I slept for a while then woke up about half an hour later
I felt so refreshed so thank God or I wouldn't have been able to stay awake in classes
The fact that I only have 4 classes on even Fridays is beside the point

Talking about school links to the people in school
I think if there's really nothing to say, it's always best not to say anything
If you're gonna say something for the sake of saying it, it just might hurt
Taming of the tongue
Sometimes, the wound's already there and people are well aware of it
They just keep rubbing it in
Patience and perseverance and.... annoyance
Well, all I can do is take it and chuck it

There's this awesome thing I learned in Chemistry - - -
"Le Chatelier's Principle states that if a change is made to a system in equilibrium, the system reacts in such a way as to tend to oppose the change, and a new equilibrium is formed."
See, there was a change is something stable and safe and it was felt by the components of the system
So the system sets about opposing the change, not to regain back the previous equilibrium but to form a new one
A lot of back and forth goes on and the position of equilibrium keeps shifting
At the end, the equilibrium changes and the composition changes
The previous equilibrium can never be reattained so the system moves on to form new equilibrium so that things would go on
It is the process that matters because what happens in all the back and forth affects the final equilibrium
Sometimes, the back and forth can be painfully slow
Therefore, the catalyst comes into the picture
It speeds up the rate of the back and forth by providing an easier path
Choose to use the catalyst and though there will still be back and forth, equilibrium will be reached more quickly

I've forgotten where and when I wrote what's below but I can remember it
It seemed like it was meant to be some form of preparation


Taking up my cross again
Picking up from where I fell
Its a sacrifice with pain
But I'm gonna give all it takes

Faded till I was almost gone
Now I am back where I belong

Here I am
Broken and shaken
But I know
You have not forsaken
Everything from my past
You have cast away
And right here and now
I'm coming back to stay

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