Sunday, July 26, 2009

More Than Words

Every night I say the same prayer
Hoping that in time I would draw near
But my life stays just the same
Same cycle spinning round and round
I'm going nowhere else but down
Just what will make things change

Not about the words I say aloud
These would never make You proud
You want what is in my heart

Day by day
I learn to obey
In everything
I will seek Your way
Now I know that it takes
More than words to change

Every day that sin gets a hold
I let go and You are in control
I submit all I am to You
Every time my promise fades away
I pray and try my hardest to obey
God, just make me new again

Not about the words I say aloud
These would never make You proud
You want what is in my heart

Day by day
I learn to obey
In everything
I will seek Your way
Now I know that it takes
More than words to change

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Every Moment Of You

I've been to a place
For moments at a time
I never want them to fade
Jesus, I want more of You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You

I've relished that moment
Where it was just me and You
Now I want it every moment
Jesus, I'm hungry for You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You

I cherish every moment
When it's all about You
Where would I be without You
Jesus, I'm desperate for You

I want You to be real
Not for just a moment in time
I want to walk with You
Every moment of my life

I want to be with You
Hearing You speak to me
I want to stay with You
Spending every moment with You
Even when all is at stake
With every breath I take
I hold You close to my heart
Loving every moment of You


Yeah, this is my prayer man
That God would be so real in my life
I heard this during a sermon:
Yeap, that's how it should be with my relationship with God
Cling on, hold tight and never let go
Moments in time just fly by
I'd never want to let God slip by but sometimes, it just happens when I get too distracted
When you want it, you always miss it
Just like catching a cab or the bus huh?
Actually, God really isn't like that
When we miss it, its usually that we aren't out there trying to catch Him in the first place
Gotta chase Him before you can ever hope to touch the corner of His robe
I tell you, that analogy is totally stuck in my mind
When you deviate off-course, that is the analogy that wakes you up
Going to church isn't running after God
The four walls mean nothing
What's gonna happen when the four walls are stripped away?
Is the answer still gonna be worship?
How are we really like outside of church - when we're not physically with the people who make up the church?
Church isn't about the building and its four walls; it's about the people
If the people are not part of the church once they leave the building, what's the point?
Christian inside and outside is what counts (:

I realise that for me, this change in environment is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me besides meeting God
It brought so many changes
And God's just working so strongly that I'm still pretty shocked
Some people can't tell this but I'm actually someone whose interest for certain things die off very easily
I'm pretty shocked I stuck with it because when I first started, I think nobody really thought I'd stick with it
Then it became part of my life, part of me
And it's just growing stronger
Just THANK GOD 'cause He's awesome
He made it all happen

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Heart on Fire

I want to stay
Living in Your Light
Spirit come
Transcend the boundaries of sight

Take all that I am
I surrender all that I have
Transform my heart with passion

Change me from within
Hold me and don't let go
Make me new again
Lord, ignite Your flame
I wanna burn for You
Living just to love You more
You alone are my desire
Lord, set my heart on fire


I'm so amazed at how God helped me today
3 ways:
- understanding this song
- understanding passion
- recognising that I need to GO BACK

I wrote this song in a daze and when I was done, I read what I had written
I understood the whole thing, except this:
I mean, I got what the idea of living by faith and not by sight but I didn't see the link of this to passion
Until, coincidentally, Pastor Daniel talked about passion during today's sermon
God spoke during the closing
Pastor brought up 1Kings 19:41-46
I can't say that I fully grasped it at first then Pastor explained it
It was like, WHOA, revelation...
Pastor talked about how Elijah kept telling his servant to go back
God is telling us to keep going back to the gift He's given us until you see the beginnings then start fanning it into flame
Elijah hid his face and ignored the fact that physically, there was no rain
He trusted what God had told him.
Now THAT is living by faith and not by sight
Similarly, no matter what people tell you, keep going back to that passion because it is what God has given you
The lyrics He gave me said to look past sight alone and let the Holy Spirit take control
To not rely on physical fruit and but to rely on what He first gave us, the Holy Spirit
That the Holy Spirit prompts you more accurately than anything
That's something great (:

Passion was what we talked about during cellgroup.
I, for one, loved today's discussion
I realise I love it when things go deep (:
We have dominant and less dominant passions, just like we have dominant and less dominant spiritual gifts
Sometimes, we identify something as our passion then we discover that along the way, our 'true passion' comes along
Was it then just some wild goose chase? A waste of time chasing what you thought was your passion?
Nope, you were just developing a less dominant passion and now investing in your dominant passion
There's also the idea of chasing a God-given passion
For one thing, this passion is something that lasts
We should still develop whatever passion we have now because it could be what leads us to discovering our dominant passion
God's light is a lamp, not a lamp post: things are revealed step by step, not all at once
Another thing that was discussed is that God may have given more than 1 passion, perhaps one more dominant than others
The important thing is about finding ways to serve God with the passion(s)
I really think that passion, if not for God, is meaningless
It's like groping in darkness, just never finding that fulfilment
That will be an empty space that accomplishment through your passion can never fill
If not for God, for whom?

I realise that I've been distracted
I just didn't realise it till now
Or maybe, this is a case of giving up or 'postponing' the passion
Thinking that I'd just pursue it when I have the time
When Pastor said GO BACK, it felt like "CLICK"
He wants me to go back to my roots, go back to how I started out
Or rather, go back to the attitude I started out having
He told me that it's the hunger for Him that actually got me somewhere
That somewhere along the way, I'd gotten too caught up in other things that I had lost sight of it
There are some things to keep and some things to let go off in my life
I guess that's how we are
We let go of things from the past, some good and some bad
Then we take in more stuff, some good and some bad
Then we take time to filter through the stuff we've accumulated
And we start discarding over time
What are we really throwing out?
Is it things that simply take up our time or things that do not honour God?
What we choose to do with our time is so important

I found out that even while walking that distance from the bus stop that my dad drops me off to school, I can be spending time with God
It's not even about listening to praise and worship songs while walking
I was talking to God and He told me to just look around and really appreciate the surroundings I've taken for granted
*fine, in this case, meaning the really small things in life*
While crossing the bridge, so many things to thank Him for crossed my mind:
- that overhead bridges were invented so people could cross safely
- that it wasn't raining so that I wouldn't be drenched
- that traffic was flowing smoothly so I could reach school on time
- that I have the opportunity to go to school
- that I am fetched to school and do not have to walk long distances
- that I am in a school that is secure such that I don't have to worry constantly about terrorists barging in and taking people hostage
- that my school has not been shut down due to H1N1
There were some more but I can't recall them now
This may sound like I'm being real paranoid and pessimistic and possibly over-imaginative to even think of so much
We joke about these things but jokes aside, aren't you really glad for all these little things God has blessed you with?
Others are seemingly less fortunate
Maybe it is because we've overlooked all these little, minute things in life that has caused us to derail
It is time to take a step back and look at the big picture and see what God has done

Finer things in life can also be the people around us: minute details of life that you never really thanked Him for
Again and again, He reminds me how blessed I am for people around me
My heart goes out to God because without Him, I'd never have the opportunity to meet people who ahve changed my life
It's not about "WHY did I ever meet this person?!"
I realise that I don't ask that question any more
I think I've grown to appreciate people more
Maybe it's because God showed me how it's like to be a part in something amazing
I don't think I've ever done anything deserving of meeting people who've changed my life
When God placed them in my life, He showed me time and again that I'm blessed
Through influence comes action
These people changed the way I looked at things and so changes the way I treat others
The way I was in secondary school is NOT the way I am now
Like, far far from it
I look back and I always go: GOD, THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME
I may have been a Christian my entire life
I'm "born" Christian, 3rd Generation Christian, whatever you call it
But I think God has finally put people in my life that have shown me what it is like to LIVE the life of a Christian

Every moment is God-given and therefore, it is a moment to live for God

Friday, July 17, 2009



squint and you can see these portions of white with red stars in the background

reflected from the shiny cupboard

funny how it can still be seen pretty clearly with all the marker graffiti :P

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

cellgroup craziness at udders :P

THIS is what happened at Udders LOL

Nissi G.A.P. + erasable markers + empty space under the cupboard at Udders = ......

*Disclaimer: we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and all love here is purely sibling-love!*

(in case you have no idea what is in the picture...)
the heart chain goes:




(this is not actually part of this post but i just realised it, totally unintentional)

can you guys spot the featured item that appears in every single photograph?...

HINT #1: LOOK HARD (i know the photo quality is bad but squint and i think you can see it)

I'll post up the answer soon....

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Okays, time for a random photo spam (:

From my room and my brother's, the sunsets are pretty nice to stare at...
And I realise that they change really really fast!

One moment it can be like this:

And the next moment, it could be this:

Look how it disperses!
I especially like the streetlights that line the winding road
Pity that this is the best shot I've got of it...

There're lots of plants at my place so being very bored, I play with them
When Alex gets bored, one leaf can shelter the houses across the field...

I like how this plant diverges it's reaching for you

This is the downward shot of the same plant

This is a different plant and really reminds me of a forest...

LOL and here we have dried plants!
I didn't kill them
These are the kind for decorative purposes

And that's it on the plate my mum bought specially to go with it
Which is, for obvious reasons, shaped like a leaf

What's more dangerous than a bored Alex?
A 'high' Alex and a 'high' Nissi G.A.P. with markers at UDDERS
Instead of callchains, we have marker-written heart chains

I will upload pictures of what happened at UDDERS soon


I think I'm going to get a new one.
This one dates back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth. And I'm pretty positive it's out-of-tune ):
Then maybe, I'd actually get down to figuring out some stuff

When the family gets a family camera (which is soon), I will be in charge man


Okay, enough pictures (:

Till sometime this week


Saturday, July 11, 2009

the right gift but not necessarily the right purpose

Wow, I really felt God's presence today
I was kinda stunned but I really learned a lot today(:
All along, I thought spiritual gifts were natural talents
Everyday, I realise that there's still some much I can learn from God and from the people He sends
That was an amazing word received
God's put something unique in everybody but whether we wanna die original or unique is really our choice
Something that really got me thinking about using spiritual gifts to serve:
Yea man, it's time I started thinking about it
Not much use admiring people who can serve, why not focus energy towards actually serving?

Heh, I've not really thought about serving much
I guess my concept of serving is very different from past experience in my last church
There isn't much passion there to serve and believe me, the people there are desperate for people to serve
They actually had to resort to "forcing" people into ministries
I remember we had to do some quiz thingy
I was put into the leaders' ministry
I remember like trying desperately to get out of it
Well, my view is totally changed about this
Serving in any way is now a privilege
After taking the spiritual gifts assessment, I'm kind of shocked at the result
And yes, I do doubt it quite a bit
I don't know, it does not seem like something I would do
Then again, God can change people
And recently He's been putting me through similar events
Come to think of it, I may have given something up but I think that God now has something so much greater lying ahead.
Perhaps, an opportunity to serve is approaching and He wants me to be free to take it up?
I feel pretty strongly about this notion
Let's wait and see what God has in mind (:

I mentioned in service feedback that I thought serving was just some volunteer thing
But it's more than that, it's a calling
God's calling us to some mission
Yea man, I want to chase this
It's pretty surprising that I feel so strongly about chasing this
I haven't felt so strongly about things in a long time
The last time I did, I actually gave it up
But thank God, it wasn't the last time the same feeling and yearning returned
1st time I rejected it
2nd time I followed but lost sight of it and gave up again
3rd time I convinced myself that I wasn't ready and dragged it further
4th time I couldn't ignore it any longer and I'm still following it today
I regretted not listening to that prompting before but now, I want to chase it
I have nagging doubts but I'm going to trust God in this
I will keep praying that I'll sustain this passion for His calling
I know how easy it is to fade from that and I don't wanna regret again
It's no longer about what I can't do but what I can do
It's all about God now

I know what I want
It's You

God, I can't say this week has been easy but I can't deny that You're working in my life
I thank You for giving me courage to stand up for how I felt
Things worked out great and You deserve credit in every way
Thank You for giving me people who were supportive of my decision
I even thank You for giving people who were not supportive and were critical of my decision
It helped me to really think about what I want in my life
Just because I can do it doesn't mean I have to
When I rejected it, it wasn't because I felt inferior
I had a feeling that You didn't want me to do it
I had a feeling this wasn't what You wanted me to put any gift towards
I know from today that I made the right choice to follow Your prompting
Where would I be without You?
You're so great and I just want more and more of You in my life
You've been so real, how could I ever turn away?
I pray You keep everyone safe and that wherever we are, we're shining Your light of salvation
I pray against the spirit of discouragement because I know that it's trying to reach us
I pray for all of us that whether we like changes or not, we'd still press on because these changes will help us grow in You
Le Chatelier's Principle is in Your favour, Lord
We oppose the changes spirits did in various forms of attack
Through it all, Lord, I know we'll be stronger in You
That's the change in composition: more of You and less of us
Help us, Jesus, You're all it will ever take
We will live to glorify You, Lord, no one else
Thank You for being my God
In Jesus' Name I pray

Friday, July 10, 2009

R-DAY/EOM hangover/Taming Tongues/Le Chatelier's Principle/Here I Am

Wow, its already a week after exams?!
Results will be out on Monday (i think)
I don't exactly know what grades to expect so I'm just gonna leave it
I think I've worried enough for the first few minutes that I heard that Monday is R-DAY
I shall update about that when it happens but only with either (: or ):
Self-explanatory smileys :P

Speaking of studies, I was up till nearly 2AM doing Evaluation Of Material
It was a rushed job but I'm pretty happy with what I managed to come up with
This morning when I reached school, my mind was just blank
I slept for a while then woke up about half an hour later
I felt so refreshed so thank God or I wouldn't have been able to stay awake in classes
The fact that I only have 4 classes on even Fridays is beside the point

Talking about school links to the people in school
I think if there's really nothing to say, it's always best not to say anything
If you're gonna say something for the sake of saying it, it just might hurt
Taming of the tongue
Sometimes, the wound's already there and people are well aware of it
They just keep rubbing it in
Patience and perseverance and.... annoyance
Well, all I can do is take it and chuck it

There's this awesome thing I learned in Chemistry - - -
"Le Chatelier's Principle states that if a change is made to a system in equilibrium, the system reacts in such a way as to tend to oppose the change, and a new equilibrium is formed."
See, there was a change is something stable and safe and it was felt by the components of the system
So the system sets about opposing the change, not to regain back the previous equilibrium but to form a new one
A lot of back and forth goes on and the position of equilibrium keeps shifting
At the end, the equilibrium changes and the composition changes
The previous equilibrium can never be reattained so the system moves on to form new equilibrium so that things would go on
It is the process that matters because what happens in all the back and forth affects the final equilibrium
Sometimes, the back and forth can be painfully slow
Therefore, the catalyst comes into the picture
It speeds up the rate of the back and forth by providing an easier path
Choose to use the catalyst and though there will still be back and forth, equilibrium will be reached more quickly

I've forgotten where and when I wrote what's below but I can remember it
It seemed like it was meant to be some form of preparation


Taking up my cross again
Picking up from where I fell
Its a sacrifice with pain
But I'm gonna give all it takes

Faded till I was almost gone
Now I am back where I belong

Here I am
Broken and shaken
But I know
You have not forsaken
Everything from my past
You have cast away
And right here and now
I'm coming back to stay

Friday, July 3, 2009

it's still there

exams are over!!
i think this exam experience was different from previous years
i could feel the difference
God brought me through this
i know and i trust
well He spoke to me during this mini journey
it made studying a whole lot more meaningful (:

there was this example i saw from my ELL notes
i was like, wow!!!
then i thought: can i honestly say that i'm anchored in what i believe in?
am i really so utterly connected to God that i am anchored in my faith?
i think i'm a long way from being very connected
this faith is so deep, how far have i really gone?
there's so much more i can be for God

people always say this: "oh! you look/don't look like a Christian!"
but there's no such thing as a "Christian look"
what matters is what is inside, not what matters outside
it is what we do that makes us Christians because if we truly believe in making God the centre of our life, we would do what He wants us to do just to please Him

i read about Rehoboam
how he chose the word of people with little wisdom over that of people with wisdom and experience
God was speaking
i had asked Him previously if i was doing the right thing by listening to them
God said yes
He told me not to follow what everybody else is doing but follow what i know is right

about prayer
i remember when i first came to COSBT
i could not pray "properly"
i wanted others to teach me how to pray, what to pray
until i realised that no one could teach me and that it was between God and i
prayer isn't about saying holy things
its about telling God how you really feel and what you wnat
it is also about listening
we don't need any open sesame words to invite Him into our presence because the essence of God is all around us
praying is all about coming into His presence and giving your 100% to God
God is ready to speak to us but are we ready to listen?
God is amazing and He is living
He knows every step we should take and to know all that, we need to listen
this is one step in communication that we cannot skip
there is no standard way to pray
just as there is no standard way of looking at a Bible passage
one passage can reveal so many things to so many different people because God sees things from so many angles
we can't put His word into a box, let alone put God Himself into a box
we cannot limit what we can learn from God or we'd never be able to achieve our goal of doing our best for God

A forsaken cross You carried
My burden You took and buried
Still You kept going

God, why is it so soon?
I'm not ready to let go of this, not yet
I know it's Your will and Your timing
Please, it's up to You

i will wait for wednesday