Sunday, September 6, 2009

God said YES, who are you to say no?


I cannot express how excited I am right now.
God showed me the amazing plan He has for me!
See, in November, I will be going overseas to the Philippines on OCIP with my class.
I was wondering why God didn't make it such that I could go for mission trips.
I was pretty disappointed because for the first time in my life, I felt that I was ready to go.
I asked God why.
He responded and I cannot help but practically SHOUT my praise for Him.
When people go on mission trips, they face language barriers, barriers placed by governments and the barrier that people have no background knowledge of God.
But on this mission trip, God has lowered the barriers for me!!
We are going to a Christian Brothers' School I think.
So they have a Christian education - background knowledge of God is there.
In a Christian school - free to evangelise, if only you are bold.
I think there's even going to be an interpreter so language barriers lowered.
I was really very excited because the more I thought about the possibility, the more passionate I felt for God.
I was pretty ecstatic and when I got home, my mum saw how happy I looked and she asked me to share why I was so happy.
Somehow, God gave me the courage to share that He spoke and to share my experience of being on fire. mum shared HER experience!
And she said she was happy for me and encouraged me to keep going!
I tell you, the high is still here in me, I'm really just so excited!
Then I told my dad that I spoke to my mum and something prompted me to tell him what I wanted for my family.
That I wanted this same experience, this burning up for God to be theirs as well.
My dad encouraged me to pray for them!
I was really going WOW.
Then I went online and spoke to 2 friends and shared with them.
One of them, a non-Christian, asked me to pray for her!
I was so happy and just really thankful that God allowed me to speak to her!
Even now, I feel the strong passion coming up, stronger than when I first stepped into church!
I've really felt God's presence, really truly definitely!!!
And Saturday's sermon was really very defining for me.
I have this habit of brushing aside the importance of prayer even as I tell friends how important prayer is.
But sermon was so good, it shook me awake.
Prayer is totally important and it is a PRIVILEGE.
I'm so thankful that i can have direct access to God!!!
God, You are amazing, so truly wonderful.
Grace and mercy are words I have taken for granted.
Thank you Peijun, God spoke to me through you!
It totally woke me up, it's time I showed reverance for God.
It is time to get serious about everything.
I forgot to say earlier: I was in pain through out the sharing period, the whole time.
God told me I had a choice: to do His will no matter what and to just succumb.
He asked if I was going to give up.
My body said GIVE UP, IT HURTS.
But the Holy Spirit said KEEP GOING.
I pushed, not knowing what to really expect.
When everyone else says NO, God says YES
When everything else tells you it is not possible, God says YES
When you are willing and your heart wants to do it for Him, God says YES
I think I've been trusting my body too much, to the extent that I allow it to control how far I can go
I trust God.

God, You are amazing, You are so faithful!
God, You've been hearing my prayers all along.
I've been asking You to heal me.
You've shown me that for You to do Your work, I have to do my part too.
I asked You to help me to trust.
You asked me to let go.
I asked you what to let go of.
You told me to let go of idols.
I told You there were no idols.
But You showed me that my idol was fear.
Thank You Lord, You are truly my source of strength.
I prayed that should my family be ready one day, I want to be ready too
You told me that the time is NOW.
I asked You to give me opportunities, You showed me the open door.
I told You that I wasn't ready to do anything.
That I was too small
You told me it's all about training
That anything great starts small
That anybody great has gone through training
That's what makes the great, great - they have triumphed over defeat with You
You said I would be victorious and true to Your word, I was.
You've kept your promise, thank You
I know that You've set me on fire
Now You're telling me to spread Your fire.
To those who say NO, You're telling me what to answer back: YES YES AND YES
You are truly everything I need!
God, I pray that as she has encouraged me that I can encourage her too!
I pray so hard for her family because I know God that just as my family is slowly turning around, hers will as well
My prayer is that she will not give up
My promise is that I would be praying every night for her family
I know You can turn things around because I have seen the beginnings of a revival in my family.
I know it is possible, I know You are going to do something amazing in her family.
God, I know that You will honour her, Your faithful servant
God I pray that she will keep pushing and that You give her strength to push, as You've given me.
Just like me, she wants the same experience she's had for her family.
God I pray that we thank You and continue to pray even as there doesn't seem to be result
Because we trust that if something's not happening on the outside, something is happening on the inside!
God, we pray in faith for revival, for You to cause something to stir in them!
God, I pray that through me and through Nissi GAP, this fire will spread!
God, I thank You for Nissi GAP, that we have the opportunity to grow tgt as a family!
God, there is a reason for us being together, we wanna live out our purpose!

The Desert Song - Hillsong

Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
This is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

I love this song, could just keep singing it over and over again!
Yes, victorious living for all of us, that is a promise we can claim!
We are on our way to REAL trust (:

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