Monday, September 14, 2009

Every Little Thing We Do

Rome was not built in a day. Each and every part of Rome had to be built from scratch, from bricks and stone. Do not belittle these bricks and stones. All these small parts build up into something big. Same thing with our relationship with God. Small things matter and God does see the little details we put in. Whatever we do, so long as it is for Him, it is all pleasing in His sight! That is how great He is...
Doesn't everyone start out small? I find that a lot of us start out so eager to please God that even in the small things, we try our very best to seek His favour. That is being on fire for God. It is not about doing incredibly great things for God all the time. It is good to go back and look at how you've been handling the details, the "minor" not-so-great things.
Something small and seemingly insignificant like SF and Bible Reading matters to God. SF is service feedback, something new to me at first. Had no idea what was really the reason for having it but God revealed last night the importance of SF. SF may seem like a chore, but it is a privilege. You share what God spoke to you and sharing goes such a long way. You become more appreciative of what God is doing for you and simultaneously, you encourage others. It is like the Marianne Williamson quote: you give others permission to shine when you shine. This is a small area to shine in but shouldn't we seize every opportunity to shine for God? I mean, if He means that much to us, we would seize every opportunity right?
Again, I don't really want to say this because it's like kind of a downer but I think not saying will be worse :/ I think attitudes need to change towards these "small" things. We overlook their importance and indirectly diminish how God can communicate to us through these things. Attitudes are contagious. Nobody seems to care therefore nobody does it unless reminded and pushed. Sometimes, it is against our will but subconsciously, we do succumb to it cos we're usually totally unaware.
A question popped into my head last night when I got the usual message reminding the cell to send SF. I surprised myself by actually thinking "oh, it's the USUAL message." Why is it part of the routine? Why do we have to be reminded? We shouldn't have to be. If it meant something to us, we would do it. Precisely because its importance has been diminished in minds and therefore, it is cast aside until Peijun faithfully reminds us to send it in. Yes, humans need to be reminded from time to time but not all the time. I think it is a sign that things need to change. Perhaps change is already beginning. If it means a lot to us, we will make an effort to remember.
If I recall correctly, it was explained to me that we were given "thinking time" instead of having to spend time during cellgroup to do SF. I fully agree that we need "thinking time" but that too is a privilege. There is no use just getting it over and done with but this privilege is something we cannot take for granted.
Change is definitely happening but is it happening at the rate it can and should be? It is like studying. With God, the poor student does well and the good student does better. Maybe people just like the way things are and see no need to change? Or perhaps they see the need to change but they don't change because they believe that's the way things are and it's just like that and cannot be changed? Cellgroup culture? Someone told me to stop believing that things are just like that and will stay like that. God said that too, that's why we started praying against stagnancy. Change begins with us. Cultures can change and I believe that we can do better, really.
We start small because without the small pieces, there would be no big picture at all. We are God's children. If this is our attitude towards small things, when can we ever progress to do great things for God? Our relationship with God has its levels. We will always be at the same level if we keep taking the same thing God gives us and do a half-baked job. Small things do produce result over time if we put in effort.
Being on fire for God is doing everything to the best of your ability for Him.
We are the deciding factor in this because God has given each of us a choice!
What is beyond us? Think about that!
You know, God says NOTHING is beyond us because He is with us.
Nothing is beyond us, let's keep pushing for the plan we know He has for us!

God, You know my prayer.
You stirred something in me, told me what to say here.
You caused a disturbance in me, telling me to be appreciative and thankful for change but also to not start to fall back to complacency.
God, it is no use being on fire for You when we are blind to our weaknesses.
I pray that You open our eyes to see more and to really be on fire for You.
Not for just a moment and allow it to flicker away but Lord, we want it to burn strong every minute.
God I pray for hunger.
I pray we will not be satisfied with where we are as a cellgroup.
I pray we take it to the next level with You.
I pray that we push for change that is for our own good.
God we do not want to wait till it is too late.
We want to treasure what we have right here and now.
I pray that we will really truly work towards being the family that You have given us the opportunity to be.
God I thank You for Nissi G.A.P. and I know that with Your help, we will grow so much more.
Thank You for letting me see!
Thank You also for letting me know that I am Yours forever, I have Your seal.
I thank You for being my God!

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