Wednesday, January 28, 2009

my first post

Oh wow, still can't believe I just created a blog.
I'm gonna have to try harder to maintain this one.
JC life will be starting soon: in approximately 4 1/2 days!
I'm excited because it's not only the start of a new journey but it's also the end of all the boredom.
Honestly, after 2 months of intense fun, doing all the things I was previously deprived of (eg. sleep) I got bored of doing them.
Luckily, I began a spiritual journey in December or I'd be worse off.
I wouldn't say I resumed my journey because I feel like I've actually back-tracked in some way.
In short, the journey so far has been awesome and I just know it's gonna get better!
I'm getting to know new people so yeah, pretty great!
Major credit goes to my aunt (age 19, in case you thought otherwise) for bringing me to the church!
Oh and not to forget the wonderful cellgroup family for making me feel so welcome!
Just got back actually from hanging out
Met Luwei, Shuen and Bryan for lunch afterwhich we hung out at Luwei's place for awhile.
After Shuen left for school, we went to CoffeeBean to stone
I left the guys to continue stoning because I had to go home.
I also realised that my appetite for meals has been decreasing.
Could be all the New Year goodies though...
Speaking of New Year, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Belated but oh well, better late than never.
I was wondering if taking a 2sci2arts combi is a good idea.
I heard the schedule's pretty, well, all-over-the-place-ish.
The person who described it to me made it sound like the poly kind of schedule.
Oh well, what's the worse that could happen right?
Hmmm, though I was praying for opportunities during the open-door season and all, there weren't any.
Or maybe I didn't see them...
At any rate, I hope the others are having more opportunities.
And I realised that when i pray for deeper understanding of His Word, I began to understand the passages better.
Told you my journey's getting better!
One day, it dawned on me that I was actually really uncomfortable with showing some things in my life, even though they was inspired by God.
Then God prompted me to step out of my comfort zone.
Oddly, I actually felt so much better!
Awesome or what?! :)
Goes to show we can always trust Him yes?

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