Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Lunar New Year is about:
- Coming together as a family and catching up with each others' lives
- Cleaning up your room
- Eating to your heart's content (dieting can wait)
- Replenishing our financial reserves
- Renewing New Year resolutions (you get a second chance, how great is that?!)
- Reminiscing about last year and how you've changed

This year's celebration was more low-key for me compared to previous years.
The reunion dinner on my dad's side was held 2 weeks in advance.
We had to hold it earlier because we were going to eat out.
That got off to a bumpy start but it was alright.
The reunion dinner on my mum's side was on the eve of Chinese New Year.
We had steamboat!
I got to see my cousins so that was pretty cool too.
The 3 of us went into my grandma's room and started taking photos.

from left to right: yanling.alex.yanting

That was pretty fun, we haven't done that since the chalet 2 months back!
Day One of CNY started off slow...
Hehe actually we only had a dinner party to get to that night.
But before that, I learned a very important lesson: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. PLAN EARLY.
Okay, the dinner party was awesome as usual!
The food was great.
I got to catch up with my aunt so yeah, awesome!
I ended the day by collapsing on my bed.
Day Two was more eventful.
Went to Grandma's to have lunch.
Before that, I underwent an origami crash-course by my 7 year old cousin.
After lunch, I watched some TV before helping another cousin with her math.
And I was enjoying it.
Went home and my family and I were eating Mac's when two other cousins and my uncle showed up.
Okay, that basically ends my Chinese New Year.

This Chinese New Year had a new meaning for me.
It was open-door season!
I would never have thought of this festive season as an opportunity to spread the Gospel.
I think the greatest thing about going to a new place is when you gain new perspective.
Going to COSBT is just about the most life-changing experience for me.
I'm not kidding nor am I exaggerating.
People think: "But you've been a Christian your whole life! How much difference can there be?"
That's so wrong.
Talking about living the life of a Christian and actually living the life of a Christian is so different.
I used to think I was living it but after joining COSBT, I realised that I wasn't.
To have God speak to you is amazing and to have Him use you for a purpose is beyond incredible.
I'm so glad that my relationship with God has been brought to a whole new level through this new environment.
It's here that I feel His presence strongly. :]
A big thank-you to Nissi GAP members for your encouragement and care!
God has blessed me with good influences all around as well.

Too grateful that words alone cannot express.

No one really gets over death but God fills up the vacant space left behind...

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