Friday, October 9, 2009

essays, ionic equilibria and market failure

promos half over!!!!
this is called rejoicing too early.
but still, achievement: i've never mugged so hard in my life for chem and econs.
*standing ovation for alex!*
three more to go: math, chinese and linguistics
then as Amanda Thian would say: I'M FREEEEEEEE!
well, not completely but yeap, freedom in the short run is better than no freedom.
in fact, i'm getting so "into" studying that i might just continue studying even after promos.
need to keep going or my gears will get harder to start up.
like that Strepsils advertisement.
except that it's gonna take more than Strepsils to help me pick up the pace.
and after promos, i need to go full force for I&R and OP (PW stuff, if you don't know about this, that's the best, stay that way, trust me you don't wanna know)
i just realised that if a certain big thing still exists, i'll be coping with that too.
i predict that Amanda will be swamped then.
i pray it won't happen.
but i wouldn't have to worry so much if some people did what they were supposed to do :/

it's a bit too late for apologies and regrets, i really don't care what just happened.
you will not throw me offtrack thinking about how pissed off i was with the two of you.

monday was GP --- i got to base my essay on saturday's sermon!
how cool is that!
hope it works out!
wednesday was chem --- everybody walked out so dazed after the paper.
in CJC, there is a joke.
when somebody thinks they're gonna fail promos, the person probably says:
that is code for: i will be participating in next year's J1 orientation!
for me, someone who does not do exceptionally well for chem, it was all right.
not too bad.
i think i tried my best, i just hope it's enough.
today was econs --- it went better than i expected.
i'm totally stunned that i managed to finish and that i managed to recall so much.
whatever i couldn't recall, i smoked my way through.
i think i managed to smoke adequately.
passing shouldn't be a problem for promos anymore.
i think what i'm worried about is if it's enough to let me keep my combination.
okay, enough thought, it would be more allocative efficient to channel my brain cells towards actual studying.

blogs have blog counters.
alex has an alex counter.
don't panic, it's not to count how many alexes there are or can be.
it's to count the number of injuries i have.
total count for this week is 3: 2 cuts on the leg and a swollen palm.
all considered minor as compared to past experiences.
these statistics are also slightly better than the past.
i wonder if this injury thing is recurrent every month.
pastor has his accident prone-ness once every 10 years.
my accident prone-ness comes once every month.
still, i've learnt through trial and error that my injuries usually save me from something.
they are dubbed by my dear Peijun as my "God-given injuries".
oh i should also count the number of potential injuries i could've gotten.
this one is better, only 1 so far.
brace yourself.
i nearly fell down the stairs again.
how do i do it?
i dunno, it kinda just happens.
i try not to let it happen too often, only on special occasions :P

okay, that's it for me

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