Monday, September 21, 2009

He is God, totally undeniable (:

Revolve - Desperation Band

I was lost but now I'm found
And my world revolves around You
I was far away and now
My world revolves around You

Jesus, my world without an end
No mind can comprehend
Though I keep trying
Jesus, my faith has found Your love
My hope has found it's trust
My heart will beat the sound
My world revolves around

Though the sky should touch the ground
My world revolves around You
I surrender, You surround
When my world revolves around You

Now my eyes are fixed on You
And I can't look away
Cause all this heart was made to do
Is to offer highest praise
My praise, praise, my praise

Yes, I don't want to look away.
I could choose to give up and let it all be like that.
But it can't, if I want the same for them, I cannot just be a placid spectator.
I have to fan the flames cause that is the responsibility I've been given.
Anyone can condemn me for trying, for standing.
But I know what I'm giving up if I choose to back down and not stand firm.
It ain't worth it, I can stand cause I know who I'm fighting for.
And He's worth fighting for.

This week:
- Talked to Amanda about faith. It was good! She explained some aspects of the Catholic faith to me and well, there's a lot of food for thought there. It's interesting to hear what it's about, how it comes about, why it's so. After sharing, Holy Communion became more sacred to me. I learnt a lot from her(: A Christian and a Catholic, same amazing God.
- Prayed for Vanessa. She was so stressed! Well, we all are. I know it's hard to trust sometimes, but the harder it is, the more imperative it is to trust.
- Attended Nissi G.A.P.'s first wedding! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHUEN&VICTOR! HAHA. I will get those photos up here soon! The jingcha ceremony and all! This wedding was impromptu BUT well-coordinated by God LOL, totally unplanned by us. Awesome celebration, thank God(: Totally love my family (: so blessed to have all of you!! was a little stressed but you guys&girls made me so totally happy haha! LET'S BE ON FIRE FOR GOD!
- I love my mum,dad and brother. It didn't work out this time. We'll try again next time. I know how it's like and I want the same for all of you too... It will work out next time, I believe, I trust, I know (:

God, give me the strength to go on.
I pray that what You've given me, You'll bless my family with as well.
God, I pray for my brothers' and sisters' families.
God, I pray those who don't know You will come to know You.
I pray those that haven't acknowledged You will give themselves to You.
I pray that those who are firmly rooted in You will continue to have an evergrowing relationship with You.
God, I thank You for everyone in my life and I pray that Your fire within us won't die out, that Your flames out there will continue to burn for You.
Thank You Lord, for being my God, my Father

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